San Francisco.
Uh, Jade Angelou.
That's A-N-G...
[Bell Ringing]
Welcome aboard, y'all.
How y'all doin' today?
Hang on!
- [Riders Screaming]
- Holy shit!
[Horn Honking]
- Oh, no!
- [People Screaming]
We're gonna crash!
Save yourselves!
Oh, my baby!
Oh, no!
Oh, no.
Oh! Oh, God.
Oh, God!
Hey, man.
You just fucked up your Ferrari.
- [Conductor] Oh, no!
Baby's goin'down in flames!
- It's not mine.
- [Chuckles, Grunts]
- Neither is this.
[Engine Revving,
Tyres Screeching]
Damn! This sucks!
Where's that son of a bitch at?
I'm gonna hunt him down!
That motherfucker ain't safe nowhere!
- [Ringing]
- Chem Weapons, Isherwood.