all you have to do right now...
is to think about checking yourself
into the clinic and getting better.
That's all.
Look out!
We're here.
Hopley, answer, damn it.
- Good morning, Mr. Halleck.
- Morning.
We've used the computer
to synthesize your test results.
Over 12,000 calories a day,
and you continue to lose weight.
Here you are.
Extra whipped cream,
just as you specified.
We have some good protocols.
They'll take a week or two to work out.
What if that
doesn't tell you anything?
We'll keep running tests.
We won't give up.
Rest assured of that.
- Where are you going?
- To get some takeout.
Duncan, it's Billy Halleck.
The guy at the station house
said you were home sick.
You okay?
Come on, Duncan.
I know about the judge.
What's happened to you?
I don't really think
you want to know...
but come on in.
[Lock Clicking]