Are you gonna snivel up to him
and say, "I'm so sorry"?
Look how sorry I am!
Don't be stupid!
Take the gun! Go on.
Take it.
Take the gun.
Take the gun.
Take the goddamn gun!
Take the gun!
Shoot him!
It's the only satisfaction you'll get,
'cause he'll never take the curse off!
Mike Houston was here.
Why did you leave the clinic?
Are you all right?
We care about you, sweetheart.
I care about you.
The doctors at the Glassman Clinic
can't help me.
If they can't help you,
who do you think can?
I saw Duncan Hopley
before I came home.
He offered to give me his gun.
I didn't take it.
- Thank God!
- I probably should have, though.