Mike Houston was here.
Why did you leave the clinic?
Are you all right?
We care about you, sweetheart.
I care about you.
The doctors at the Glassman Clinic
can't help me.
If they can't help you,
who do you think can?
I saw Duncan Hopley
before I came home.
He offered to give me his gun.
I didn't take it.
- Thank God!
- I probably should have, though.
I heard a gunshot after I left.
Maybe Duncan saw a rat and decided
to do a little brain surgery on it...
but I don't think so.
Lempke cursed him too.
His face...
Please. Please! Please don't go
through that curse thing again!
What else can it be?
I'm not on a diet!
It's not anorexia!
I don't have a tapeworm!
I've been eating like mad for six weeks!
12,000 calories a day, at least!
And I'm still losing weight!
I'm being erased.