Un air de famille

Should what be?
That... Is it normal?
- You don't like it?
- I do...

It's a style.
So when do we meet
your famous boyfriend?

My boyfriend?
The guy you mentioned.
I told you about a guy?
I shouldn't mention him?
I was just asking.
You made him sound so perfect.

I was thinking about it today.
I wish you had someone in your life.
You're almost 30. It's only normal.
I worry.
You're 30 years old?
Last year, at 29,
you were just as surprised.

Maybe you've forgotten.
Really? No...
Yes. When my mother said
she was worried because I was 29,

you blurted out: "You're 29?"
At your age I'd had
all three of my children.

Me too.
All two of them.
Yeah, I know.
I'm behind. I don't play
by the rules. I'm a criminal.

Throw me in jail!
What can I say?

It sucks having to be normal!
I'm not blaming her.
I'm her mother. I'm worried.

Isn't it normal?
It's normal! Very normal!
He's making me hungry.
Here's some duck.
That's all you get.

That's yummy in your tummy!
You love it.

Enjoy it, dear.
You're quite a joker.
You know what, Betty?
I'm calling Michaud.
Did I upset you?
No, not at all.
