When We Were Kings

Scared of what?
How many fellas in here
picks George? Be truthful, be men.

Tell the truth.
- John, raise your hand.
- (Laughter)

Got George?
You got George. Tell the truth.
You! You, fella. Yeah.
No pick? I just wanna know.
You got George...

The time may have come
to say goodbye to Muhammad Ali,

because very honestly I don't think
he can beat George Foreman.

Howard Cosell, you told everybody
I don't have a chance.

Told 'em I don't have
nothing but a prayer.

Well, chump, all I need is a prayer
because if that reaches the right man

not only will George Foreman fall
but mountains will fall!

Maybe he can pull off a miracle,
but against George Foreman?
So young, so strong, so fearless?
Against George Foreman,
who does away with his opponents

one after another
in less than three rounds?

It's hard for me
to conjure with that.

You always say "Muhammad, you're not
the same man you were 10 years ago."

I asked your wife
and she told me you're not the same
man you was two years ago!

After this fight
I suspect Ali will retire.

And through all of the years
my own memories of him
will be as a fighter,

and as the strange and curious
and gregarious and engaging

and sometimes cruel,
and sometimes family man that he is.

I'm gonna let everybody know
that that thing on your head

is a phoney
and it comes from the tail of a pony.

A stolen bicycle.
He had a bicycle
and he went to Columbia Gym.

There was something going on up there
and he left his bike parked outside.

So when he came out
someone had stolen it
