Yeah, I'm in Africa.Yeah, Africa's my home.
Damn America and what America thinks.
I live in America, but Africa'sthe home of the Black man.
I was a slave 400 years ago
and I'm going back home to fightamong my brothers! Yeah!
'For these two African-Americans
'to come home wasof great, great significance.
'Because of Hollywood and TV
'a lot of ushad been taught to hate Africa.'
Once, if you called a Black personAfrican they'd be ready to fight.
(Ali) 'When I get to Africa we'll getit on because we don't get along!'
I'm gonna eat him up!
Too much speed for him!Too fast! Too fast!
I'm gonna retire theheavyweight champion of the world!
I'm gonna retirethe heavyweight champion!
September 25ththe world'll be stunned!
(Man) Tell 'em, Ali!
If you think the world was surprisedwhen Nixon resigned
wait till I kick Foreman's behind!