When We Were Kings

and he went inside and he was crying
and he told the policeman there,
his name was Joe Martin,

that someone stole his bike.
And Joe Martin, he also taught the
little boys how to box in the evening

so he asked would he be interested
in learning how to box

and he told him yes, because if he
ever found out who stole his bike

he wanted to know how to fight
so he could beat them up.

(Commentator) An overhand right
sends Sonny to the canvas!

Referee Jersey Joe Walcott is trying
to get Ali to a neutral corner.

Ali yelling at Liston to get up...
- Anchor punch.
- Which fight?

I call it the anchor punch.
- The one Stepin Fetchit helped with?
- Yeah, man.

People couldn't see it,
it was so fast Sports Illustrated
got a slow-motion camera,

they clocked the punch and the punch
flew at 4/100ths of a second.

You can break a second
down to 100 pieces.

When people win a ski race
they say one and 16/100ths,

one and 32/100ths of a second,
so you break a second into 100 pieces
so, you know...that's quick,

they got a machine that goes,
like, fr-r-t, real quick, fr-r-t,

and it counts real quick, real quick.
And by the time that thing
hit four that's how quick,

from the time the punch started
to where it landed

was 4/100ths of a second,
an eye blink, like a camera flash.

That's 4/100ths of a second.
When I hit Sonny Liston
all those people blinked,

so they didn't see it.
- (Laughter)
- I swear!

(Ali) If you watch the film close,
keep your eyes real close...

- (Laughter)
- Keep looking.

I'm getting ready to hit him.
You got to hold your eyes and wait
or you won't see it, man!

Ali was a beautiful...specimen,
a fighting machine.
He was handsome,
he was articulate, he was funny,

