Absolute Power

Good night, Mr. Sullivan.
You're taking a shortcut, Tommy?
I'm your substitute driver tonight.
Don't worry about Tommy.
He's fine.

Very unusual.
What do I call you?
Luther, sir.
And are you familiar with
how to get to my townhouse, Luther?

Oh, yes, sir.
I know where all your houses are.
I'm the man who robbed you.
You're the man who tried to kill me.
I'm sorry I missed.
I believe in the Old Testament, sir.
There's nothing wrong with
an eye for an eye...

...when a terrible deed is done.
A deed such as yours.
You'd like to believe that.
That'd be simple for you
to believe that.

What do I have to gain by being here?
I have no idea.
You going to rob me again?
I don't need your money, Mr. Sullivan.
Did you check your vault lately?
I put everything back.
I'm afraid we're a little late
for an attempt at leniency.

A lot of crap's coming
down tonight, sir.

You wanna be a player or not?
You wanna know what happened
or don't you?

Because I was there.
I want to know.
You think you can stand
hearing about it?

How he beat her,
tried to strangle her?

You really wanna know?
