I'm sorry I missed.
I believe in the Old Testament, sir.
There's nothing wrong with
an eye for an eye...
...when a terrible deed is done.
A deed such as yours.
You'd like to believe that.
That'd be simple for you
to believe that.
What do I have to gain by being here?
I have no idea.
You going to rob me again?
I don't need your money, Mr. Sullivan.
Did you check your vault lately?
I put everything back.
I'm afraid we're a little late
for an attempt at leniency.
A lot of crap's coming
down tonight, sir.
You wanna be a player or not?
You wanna know what happened
or don't you?
Because I was there.
I want to know.
You think you can stand
hearing about it?
How he beat her,
tried to strangle her?
You really wanna know?
I could walk through fire.
I was in the vault when they came in.
They were drunk.
He knocked her around.
She fought back.
He got really rough.
She tried to defend herself.
Well, he started screaming...
...sniveling simp he is.
Who else was in my house?
Secret Service.
They're the ones who shot her.
Gloria Russell handled the cover-up.
Stop this!
You wanna know who it was?
It was you.
Come on, Mr. Sullivan.
We're too old to bullshit each other.
Who was it, then?
You know.
Don't shake your head.
When you're alone and rage takes over
and you want revenge...
...what face do you put
with your enemy?