'Cause that would be
an invasion of her privacy.
Excuse me, Mr. Video.
That's not a video.
lt's a camera obscura.
lt's pure light.
l'm not spying.
l just want to be with her.
That's completely different.
l know how you feel.
You want him back so badly
that you can't stand it.
lt's like your guts
are twisting around inside.
But bugging their apartment....
l don't want him back.
l want him vaporized.
When l'm done with him...
...he'll be a twitchy little stain on the floor.
ls that what you're doing?
You're waiting
for her to leave him for you?
Have you seen him?
He is irrelevant.
Linda and l are soul mates.
This is just a passing phase.
They're going to break up tonight.
l know it.
l'm listening.
l'm an astronomer.
lt's my job to find patterns in things...
...that seem completely random.
l found a pattern.
lt's all in the data.
The data.
This data.
"Mutual feeding activity."
lt's the number of times
that Linda and what's-his-name...
...feed each other.
You're counting.
Not just that. Everything.
Kisses, hugs, smiles, fights.
They fight?
Not yet.
Long looks, whispering, shouting.
They shout?
You're missing the point.
Tonight there's going to be a fight.
They are going to break up...
...and l'm going to be right here for her.
Tonight this will all be over...
...so you might as well start packing
your bags.
That is the most pathetic thing
l've ever heard.
l don't mean that trivially.
l'm a photographer.
l've seen a lot of things.
l once took pictures
of a man who ate his own legs...
...and you would be the black sheep
of that family.
What's your evil plan?
Squirt him with squirt guns?
Throw rotten strawberries at him?
You looked in my satchel?
Yeah. Call a cop.