He says there's not much they can do.
The baby maggots have crawled up
and started to grow...
...and eventually they're going to eat
the dog alive from the inside out.
He says it should be put to sleep
because it's an old dog, anyway.
But Father won't do it.
He takes it home.
He puts it on the bed.
He starts to reach up into the dog...
...picking out the maggots with his fingers,
one by one.
lt takes him all night,
but he gets every last one.
That dog outlived my father.
That's love, Sam.
You're not that tough, Maggie.
l can tell you're not that tough.
And you can forget
about a career with Hallmark.
Won't he miss the card?
He won't know what hit him
till the bill comes...
...'cause he only uses his platinum.
l'll just take everything in this whole area.
You know Anton's having an affair?
He is?
That's what Linda's going to think.
Where are you sending them?
To my Nana.
The old battle-ax
should get a kick out of this.
How much to put lipstick on the monkey?
ls that for you or for him?
l don't touch the monkey.
l don't want to have anything
to do with the monkey.
How's 40?
For 50 l'd strap on a garter
and wax her legs.
Lovely lipstick, darling.
Honey, you can't be treating me this way.
We've known each other too long.
You can't even look me in the eye.
What? You're in love?
You're in love with that man?
That man could never make you happy.
What the hell is that? Shit!
Good God! Kiss him, baby!
Get this goddamned monkey off my back!