[ Barking ]
Oh, here.
I got an idea.
Josh, would you
come in here, please ?
Uh-oh. Buddy, you gotta
stay here, okay ?
Buddy, no.
- You gotta stay outside.
- [ Dog Whimpers ]
- Hey, Mom, you wanted to see me ?
- What are you doing ?
- What do you mean ?
- The box.
- The box ?
- Don't get funny with me, Josh.
- I know what you're doing.
- What am I doing ?
You are making a home for him,
and this is not his home.
- The next thing you know--
- Mom, we can't leave him
out in the rain.
- That's totally inhuman.
- That's just the point, Josh.
He's not human.
He's a stray.
Do not get attached
to this dog, Josh. Do not !
No, I have way too much
on my plate as it is.
- I'd take care of him.
- Josh, we don't know anything
about this dog.
We have your little sister
to think about. No. The answer is no.