Albino Alligator

You know, Milo, at this point,
I'm so disenchanted with you,

so why don't you shut the fuck up
and let me make the decisions?

All right, all right.
You want to hang yourself, go ahead.

I got some more rope
back here if you need it.

This is Cowlings.
Suspect is on the move.

{ Man On Walkie-Talkie }
Copy that. A.T.F., keep me advised.

Going to his car.
- Holy shit. I think he saw me.
- What the fuck?

Where's he goin'?
What the fuck? Where'd he go?

- What's goin' on?
- He's not gettin' in his car.

- Oh, goddamn it.
- What the fuck? Where did he go?

- Aw, shit. Oh, fuck, man.
- Okay, okay, okay.

He's leavin', but it looks
like he changed cars.

- He's in a different car.
He's in a Lincoln.
- It's a Lincoln.

- Nah, nah, it's a... it's a Buick.
- Goddamn it. Check that. It's a Buick.

What the fuck is it?
A Buick or a Lincoln?

I don't know.
Some big, old gas guzzler.

We'll see it when we get down there.
We're on our way down, all right?

{ Bobby } I got him.
He's comin' right at me.

{ Distant Train Whistle Blowing }
{ Browning }
We're on our way, Bobby.

{ Browning } You still got him,
Johnson? He's going straight?

{ Walkie-Talkie Squawks Off }
{ Bobby Chuckles }
If it ain't my lucky day.

{ Cowlings }
Bobby, come in. You there?

{ Milo }
I didn't know there'd be guards.

{ Man #1 } You're the alarm guy.
I leave that shit up to you.

{ Crossing Bell Dinging }
{ Muffled Crash }
- Christ. What was that?
- The ground. We hit the ground.

No, no. Not that.
Somethin' else.

{ Crossing Bell Continues Dinging }
{ Browning On Walkie-Talkie }
Hey, Bobby, which way did he go?

Bobby, you over there?
Come in, Johnson.

Eh, I guess he found
his smokes.
