Albino Alligator

{ Distant Train Whistle Blowing }
{ Browning }
We're on our way, Bobby.

{ Browning } You still got him,
Johnson? He's going straight?

{ Walkie-Talkie Squawks Off }
{ Bobby Chuckles }
If it ain't my lucky day.

{ Cowlings }
Bobby, come in. You there?

{ Milo }
I didn't know there'd be guards.

{ Man #1 } You're the alarm guy.
I leave that shit up to you.

{ Crossing Bell Dinging }
{ Muffled Crash }
- Christ. What was that?
- The ground. We hit the ground.

No, no. Not that.
Somethin' else.

{ Crossing Bell Continues Dinging }
{ Browning On Walkie-Talkie }
Hey, Bobby, which way did he go?

Bobby, you over there?
Come in, Johnson.

Eh, I guess he found
his smokes.

{ Cowlings }
Oh, God. Oh, Jesus. There he goes.

There he goes!
There he goes. Move!

This is Special Agent Cowlings.
We need backup.

I got an agent down
on the corner of LeMonde and Main.

Send a medic ASAP. I am in
vehicle pursuit of suspect. Over.

{ On Walkie-Talkie } All right.
This is Browning. We're on the way.

You're on LeMonde?
{ Milo }
Oh, now, wait a minute.

Wait, wait, what?
- You ready for this?
- You mean hearin' things
he's gotta say, then no.

No. I ain't ready
to hear shit from him.

Jesus. I didn't know you could say
that many words in a row.

Ooh. Does that smart mouth
bite too? Betcha it don't.

- All right.
- Betcha it don't.

{ Man #3 } Oh, there's
someone comin' up on us.

He's movin'.
- I think it's a cop.
- I don't see no flashin' lights.

{ Tires Screeching }
{ Siren Wailing }
