At least I'm sure the President
hopes you all read it.
This is a recent issue, and there's,
uh, an article in here,
written by "a keen mind
of the South", who...
My former vice-president,
John Calhoun, perhaps.
Could it be?
Who asserts that "there has never
existed a civilized society
"in which one segment did not
thrive upon the labour of another.
"As far back as one chooses to look,
"to ancient times, to Biblical times,
"history bears this out.
"In Eden, where only two
were created.
"Even there, one was pronounced
subordinate to the other.
"Slavery has always been with us,
"and is neither sinful nor immoral.
"Rather, as war and antagonism
are the natural states of man,
"so, too, slavery, as natural
as it is inevitable."
Well, gentlemen, I differ with
the keen minds of the South,
and with our president,
who apparently shares their views,
offering that the natural state
of mankind is instead -
and I know this is
a controversial idea -
is freedom.
Is freedom.
The proof is the length to which
a man, woman or child will go
to regain it, once taken.
He will break loose his chains.
He will...decimate his enemies.
He will try and try and try,
against all odds,
against all prejudices,
to get home.
Cinque, would you stand up,
if you would,
so everyone can see you: