Well, gentlemen, I differ with
the keen minds of the South,
and with our president,
who apparently shares their views,
offering that the natural state
of mankind is instead -
and I know this is
a controversial idea -
is freedom.
Is freedom.
The proof is the length to which
a man, woman or child will go
to regain it, once taken.
He will break loose his chains.
He will...decimate his enemies.
He will try and try and try,
against all odds,
against all prejudices,
to get home.
Cinque, would you stand up,
if you would,
so everyone can see you:
This man is black.
We can all see that.
But can we also see as easily
that which is equally true?
That he is the only
true hero in this room.
If he were white,
he wouldn't be in this court,
fighting for his life.
If he were white
and his enslavers British,
he'd be weighed down by the medals
and honours we would bestow upon him.
Songs would be written about him.
The great authors of our times
would fill books about him.
His story would be told
and retold, in our classrooms.
Our children, because we would
make sure of it,
would know his name as well as
they know Patrick Henry's.
Yet, if the South is right,
what are we to do with that
embarrassing, annoying document,
"The Declaration of Independence"?