Now, he is familiar with the concept.
When you come down to it,
it's all about money, isn't it?
Slaves, production, money.
I mean, that's the idea of it.
Whether it's here or there.
I'm confused.
Do your people routinely
slaughter their slaves
in the manner that you just
so vividly described to us?
Of course they don't.
What would be the point of that?
Killing your own slaves is like
burning down your own house or hut,
isn't it?
How do you explain that paradox?
I don't understand what you mean.
Sure you do.
As does everyone here.
The behaviour you attribute to
your tormentors - your victims -
and therefore every other
aspect of your testimony,
makes no sense.
- Not even to you.
But thank you. Like all good works
of fiction, it was entertaining.
Nothing more.
Captain Fitzgerald,
please explain your duties
in Her Majesty's navy.
To patrol the Ivory Coast
for slave ships.
Because slavery is banned
in British law, sir.
Yet the abduction of men from the
British protectorate of Sierra Leone
and their illegal transportation
as described by Cinque,
- is not unheard of, is it?
- Not even unusual, regrettably.
What, if anything, in his account of
his ordeal, do you find believable?
His description of the slave
fortress, for one thing.
There is such a place.