Chief! Chief!
He's not a chief!
Brother! Brother!
He's not your brother.
- What is he then?
- He's a white man.
Hear ye! In the matter of the court
of the United States of America
in the year of our Lord, 1839, the
honourable Andrew T Judson presiding.
If it please, Your Honour.
The bench recognises
District Attorney Holabird.
I would like to present
the court, Your Honour,
with the charges
of piracy and murder...
I have a petition for
a writ of habeas corpus.
I was speaking.
Mr Holabird, your charges, whatever
they might be, will be rendered moot.
That petition, Mr Tappan
- if that's what it is - is moot,
until an actual writ by some higher
court, by some miracle, is granted.
- Mr Holabird is correct.
- And if you would, sir,
please kindly refrain from
impersonating a lawyer,
which you patently are not.
- As I was saying, Your Honour...
- Your Honour.
Mr Secretary.
Your Honour, I am here on behalf of
the President of the United States,
representing the claims of
Queen Isabella of Spain,
as concerns our mutual treaty
on the high seas of 1795.
- You have my attention.
- Thank you.