
If it please, Your Honour.
The bench recognises
District Attorney Holabird.

I would like to present
the court, Your Honour,

with the charges
of piracy and murder...

I have a petition for
a writ of habeas corpus.

I was speaking.
Mr Holabird, your charges, whatever
they might be, will be rendered moot.

That petition, Mr Tappan
- if that's what it is - is moot,

until an actual writ by some higher
court, by some miracle, is granted.

- Mr Holabird is correct.
- And if you would, sir,

please kindly refrain from
impersonating a lawyer,

which you patently are not.
- As I was saying, Your Honour...
- Your Honour.

Mr Secretary.
Your Honour, I am here on behalf of
the President of the United States,

representing the claims of
Queen Isabella of Spain,

as concerns our mutual treaty
on the high seas of 1795.

- You have my attention.
- Thank you.

These slaves, Your Honour,
are the property of Spain,

and as such, under Article 9 of said
treaty, are to be returned posthaste.

Said treaty taking precedence
over all other claims...

Them slaves belong to me
and my mate, Your Majesty.

- Your Honour, I...
- Who be you two gentlemen?

"We, Thomas R Gedney
and Richard W Meade,

"whilst commissioned
US Naval officers,

"stand before this court
as private citizens,

"and do hereby claim salvage
on the high seas

"of the Spanish ship La Amistad
and all her cargo."

- Here you go, sir.
- Your Honour...

You wish to make this claim above
that of the Queen of Spain?

Where was she, pray,
when we was fightin' the winds,
Your Excellen... uh, Honour.

Her Majesty, the Queen of Spain,
was busy ruling a country.

Your Honour, these officers
claims are just...

Your Honour!
