These slaves, Your Honour,
are the property of Spain,
and as such, under Article 9 of said
treaty, are to be returned posthaste.
Said treaty taking precedence
over all other claims...
Them slaves belong to me
and my mate, Your Majesty.
- Your Honour, I...
- Who be you two gentlemen?
"We, Thomas R Gedney
and Richard W Meade,
"whilst commissioned
US Naval officers,
"stand before this court
as private citizens,
"and do hereby claim salvage
on the high seas
"of the Spanish ship La Amistad
and all her cargo."
- Here you go, sir.
- Your Honour...
You wish to make this claim above
that of the Queen of Spain?
Where was she, pray,
when we was fightin' the winds,
Your Excellen... uh, Honour.
Her Majesty, the Queen of Spain,
was busy ruling a country.
Your Honour, these officers
claims are just...
Your Honour!
Here are the true owners
of these slaves.
- Order!
- On their behalf...
I am in possession of
a receipt for purchase
executed in Havana, Cuba,
June 26, 1839,
I do hereby call upon this court
to immediately surrender...
-..these goods!
And that ship out there
to my clients,
- Jose Ruiz...
- Yo soy Ruiz.
"Yoso" Ruiz, and... Pedro Montes?
Pedro Montes.
Ah, Mr Tappan. How do you do, sir?
My name is Roger S Baldwin,
Real estate?
Real estate, inventories
and other assets.
- Can I help you with something?
- What is it that you do?
Well, I own various business...
and banks.