the savages broke loose
their collars,
and stole onto the deck
like creatures of prey.
They fell upon the unsuspecting crew
with these sabres and cane knives...
- I cannot overstate...
Have you
figured out who he is?
An advisor of some kind.
Perhaps theirs.
..they mutilated at least one...
- What about him?
- The simple cook, a Creole...
- Their own kind.
- Theirs maybe.
But for Senors Ruiz and Montes,
who steered the Amistad
to these shores
under constant threat of like fate,
we might never have heard of
this massacre, this bloodbath.
But for their bravery, these villains
would have escaped justice.
But they've not. They've not.
And Dung-Scraper?
I have a horrible feeling
he talks for us.
Do you know the difference
between a cow and a cabbage?
A brick and a bear?
Or how about...
a polecat and a president?
The Spanish government hopes you
don't have much more sense than that.
This case isn't about murder,
mayhem or massacres.
It's not about anything
that dramatic.
This case is about knowing the
difference between here and there.
I want to show you something.