An American Werewolf in Paris

- Just try to relax, okay?
- "Transition period"?

Wait. Was I dreaming,
or did you say I was a werewolf?

It's not a joke.
-[ Woman ] I told you this would happen.
-[ Gasps ] Mummy!

- Mummy?
- Leave it to me, please.

You're making the same mistake again.
First Claude, now this.
Can't you be more careful?

- This is different.
Claude stole my blood.
- Hey.

Um, Mrs. Pigot? Um--
Um, I know this looks really kind of--
How do you do?

Uh, I can explain.
It's really not her fault.
Uh, Serafine, could you introduce us?

You wouldn't want to meet me.
I'm not as attractive as I used to be.

Oh, come on.
I bet you two pass for sisters.

Wait a minute.
Hold it. Didn't you say
your mother was dead?

- [ Gasps ]
- [ Mother Screams ]

- You scared her away!
- I scared her?

[ Panting ]

That's it.
My friends were right: You're nuts.

Nurses with walking corpses
stealing hearts...

and monsters and werewolves
in the basement and the whole
thing with the thing--

- Andy, let me explain, please.
- No, no. You already did.

I don't know what you dosed me with,
but I will not be the lab rabbit...

for some
psychotic experiment.

[ Jiggling Knob ]
- All right, just stay
away from me. Let me out!
- You must drink this.

- It's the only thing
that will help you.
- Not freakin' likely.

- You should do as she says.
- [ Screaming ]

[ Screaming Continues ]
Andy, hold on!
Andy, hold on! Wait a second!

Where are you going, American?
- [ Muffled Screams ]
- Shh.

I love Americans.
