Anna Karenina

It was then that a drop of honey
sweet enough to divert my eyes

from the cruel truth
came into my llfe.

She was the princess
Ekaterina Scherbatsky.
Thank you, Constantine Dmitrich.
I didn't know that
you were in Moscow.

I arrived yesterday.
I mean, today.
I was going
to come to see you.

I didn't know
you could skate so well.

I'm awful.
But the rumor is that
you are a superlative skater.
Oh, years ago. lt used to be
my passion.

Skate with me.
Must be dull in the country
in the winter.

Not at all. I'm very busy.
Mama said that you live
like a barbarian out there

and wear peasant clothes.
There's a lot more to it
than you think.

It's very scientific.
Are you here for long?
I don't know.
That depends on you.

Mama's waiting for me.
-May I call on you?
-We're at home on Thursday as usual.

Today, then.
Au revoir!
You said you wanted my advice
on a delicate matter?

Yes, Stiva.
I think I'm in love...
but I'm plain and too old.
She may be able to love me as a friend,
but I would've to be handsome

and more remarkable to make
her love me as a husband.
