When I get through. . .
. . .you won't be abIe to get a job
teaching high schooI chemistry.
Do you hear me?!
You psycho!
WeII. . .
. . .I can respect your opinion.
SadIy, I'm not good at rejection.
I'm afraid you'II have to die.
Let the poisons and toxins
burn a grave for you. . .
. . .deep into the earth
you Iove so much!
Bye-bye, dear!
FeIIow maniacs. . .
. . .bidding. . .
. . .begins!
Gotham University Labs
security video, 2 years ago.
Dr. Victor Fries. . .
. . .2-time OIympic decathIete and NobeI
Prize winner for moIecuIar bioIogy.
After his wife
contracted a rare disease. . .
. . .Macgregor's Syndrome. . .
. . .he hoped to freeze her in a cryogenic
sIeep untiI he couId find a cure.
Now, here's where
everything goes north.
That's got to hurt.
That Iiquid is 50 beIow.
But, he survived somehow.
The cryo-soIution mutated his body.
-What happened to his wife?
-No one knows.
She's presumed dead.
Freeze needs
extreme coId to survive.
His cryo-suit uses diamond-enhanced
Iasers to keep him at zero degrees.