. . .begins!
Gotham University Labs
security video, 2 years ago.
Dr. Victor Fries. . .
. . .2-time OIympic decathIete and NobeI
Prize winner for moIecuIar bioIogy.
After his wife
contracted a rare disease. . .
. . .Macgregor's Syndrome. . .
. . .he hoped to freeze her in a cryogenic
sIeep untiI he couId find a cure.
Now, here's where
everything goes north.
That's got to hurt.
That Iiquid is 50 beIow.
But, he survived somehow.
The cryo-soIution mutated his body.
-What happened to his wife?
-No one knows.
She's presumed dead.
Freeze needs
extreme coId to survive.
His cryo-suit uses diamond-enhanced
Iasers to keep him at zero degrees.
If it's ice the Iceman wants. . . .
Coming, sir.
Yes, sir?
We need the Wayne diamonds.
We going to trap a snowman?
Yes, right after you spend
1 0 hours in the simuIator, training.
I made a mistake. I'm sorry.
It won't happen again.
You were reckIess
and aImost got kiIIed.
I'm fine! See!
Me, here, aIive!
How we supposed to work together
if you won't trust me?
How indeed?
He's overeager, he's impuIsive.
I can't trust him not to get hurt.
Perhaps the truth is
you reaIIy don't trust anyone.
Don't teII me
you're on his side again.
Despite aII your taIents. . .
. . .you're stiII just
a novice in the ways of famiIy.