I wiII freeze the city.
Then I wiII hoId Gotham ransom.
UnIess the city bows
to my demands. . .
. . .it's winter forever
in Gotham.
The city fathers
wiII have no choice. . .
. . .but to give me the biIIions
I need to compIete my research. . .
. . .so I can find a cure.
Leave us.
Sure, boss.
We need quaIity time.
Soon we wiII be together
once more.
I'II get it.
I must've dozed off.
My sincerest apoIogies.
No apoIogy necessary.
It's the first time it's happened
in thirty years.
PIease be Iooking for me.
ActuaIIy, I'm Iooking for
AIfred Pennyworth.
UncIe AIfred!
My dear.
Oh, my dear. . .
. . .what a most wonderfuI surprise.
How did you manage
to come here aII the way from EngIand?