I'II get it.
I must've dozed off.
My sincerest apoIogies.
No apoIogy necessary.
It's the first time it's happened
in thirty years.
PIease be Iooking for me.
ActuaIIy, I'm Iooking for
AIfred Pennyworth.
UncIe AIfred!
My dear.
Oh, my dear. . .
. . .what a most wonderfuI surprise.
How did you manage
to come here aII the way from EngIand?
My dear, you are so kind
to your oId uncIe.
Barbara is the daughter
of my dear sister Margaret.
Both my parents were kiIIed
in a car accident 5 years ago.
UncIe AIfred's been supporting me
ever since.
-You have?
-Secrets, AI?
Secrets are a virtuaI prerequisite
in this house.
Don't you think, sir?
I'm on break from--
Oxbridge Academy,
AIfred's aIma mater.
The new computer sciences division.
-How'd you know?
-Says so on the patch on your sweater.
-What is it? It's beautifuI.
-You can say that again.
It's a competition racer.
I've been fixing it up.
I'II show you how to ride it.
You certainIy wiII not!
Don't worry, UncIe AIfred.
I'm terrified of these things.
Barbara, I hope you'II stay with us.
Oh, I don't know.