That's what being partners is about.
Counting on someone is the way to win.
Your head wasn't on the job.
It was on Poison Ivy.
Maybe she wanted me instead of you.
That's your idea of friendship?
It's your ruIes.
It's your way, or the highway.
It's Batman and Robin,
not Robin and Batman.
-I'm sick of it!
-Yes, it's my ruIes that keep us aIive.
If you want to stay in this house,
on this team, you'II abide by them.
This is no partnership.
You're never going to trust me!
Dear brother WiIfred. . .
. . .I have tried
every address I know for you.
I'm just praying this reaches you.
We have very IittIe time.
Batman monopoIized the evening news.
CongratuIations on your
apprehension of Mr. Freeze.
Thank you.
Is there something wrong, sir?
Am I pig-headed?
Is it aIways. . .
. . .my way or the highway?
Why, yes.
Death and chance stoIe your parents. . .
. . .but rather than become a victim. . .
. . .you have done everything
in your power to controI the fates.
For what is Batman. . .
. . .if not an effort to master the chaos
that sweeps our worId?
An attempt to controI. . .
. . .death itseIf?