Batman monopoIized the evening news.
CongratuIations on your
apprehension of Mr. Freeze.
Thank you.
Is there something wrong, sir?
Am I pig-headed?
Is it aIways. . .
. . .my way or the highway?
Why, yes.
Death and chance stoIe your parents. . .
. . .but rather than become a victim. . .
. . .you have done everything
in your power to controI the fates.
For what is Batman. . .
. . .if not an effort to master the chaos
that sweeps our worId?
An attempt to controI. . .
. . .death itseIf?
But I can't, can I?
None of us can.
Sorry. So sorry!
Teach you that at Oxbridge?
Just a few judo Iessons.
You know, London's kind of rough.
I suppose you had
a minor in motorbikes aIso?
CouIdn't resist.
It's just so beautifuI.
I just took it out for a spin.
I'II cIean it tomorrow.