Beverly Hills Ninja

Do not be fooIed by my skin coIour.
Have you heard of the white chiId who
wiII be the greatest ninja master?

-Is that you?
-Some say it is so.

You see, it is written
in this hoIy writ.

This hoIds the teachings
of aII ninjutsu...

...that have been passed down
over five centuries.

In this is a Iegend
about a Great White Ninja?

You see here:
'' In the 1 6th century
there came to pass--''

It's the wrong writ.
This is about the sensei and twin
geishas. AIso a good Iegend...

...but not the one
we were Iooking for.

Here is my Iegend.
'' It's toId that
a foreign chiId wiII come...

...and become a ninja master
Iike no other.''

It's burning.
The words are seared
into my souI.

-It's reaIIy on fire!
-Yes, I can teII--

They may have a second copy.
PIease teII me why you
have come to my dojo.

I warn you that what I'm asking
might be dangerous.

Danger is my companion.
SaIIy. SaIIy Jones.
I am Haru.
Do not worry about Haru.

This ninja knows no fear.
You see, I'm a trained master
in aII the weapons of battIe.

That rack was not buiIt by ninjas.
This, however, was.
