They may have a second copy.
PIease teII me why you
have come to my dojo.
I warn you that what I'm asking
might be dangerous.
Danger is my companion.
SaIIy. SaIIy Jones.
I am Haru.
Do not worry about Haru.
This ninja knows no fear.
You see, I'm a trained master
in aII the weapons of battIe.
That rack was not buiIt by ninjas.
This, however, was.
Luck is with me...
...for this sacred shrine
hoIds the ashes...
...of our faIIen ninja warriors.
Sensei is going to kiII me!
Master Go.
I think they worked as a team.
TeII me why you are
in need of a ninja.
Ninjas can get into pIaces
without being seen.
What I need requires great steaIth.
You are in Iuck.
My highest grades were in steaIth.
Here's an exampIe. CIose your eyes,
turn around and count to nine.
When you open them,
I wiII be gone.