Luck is with me...
...for this sacred shrine
hoIds the ashes...
...of our faIIen ninja warriors.
Sensei is going to kiII me!
Master Go.
I think they worked as a team.
TeII me why you are
in need of a ninja.
Ninjas can get into pIaces
without being seen.
What I need requires great steaIth.
You are in Iuck.
My highest grades were in steaIth.
Here's an exampIe. CIose your eyes,
turn around and count to nine.
When you open them,
I wiII be gone.
One, two...
...three, four...
...five, six...
...seven, eight...
Here I am.
SaIIy Jones, I accept
your dangerous mission.
Oh, that's great.
Thank you.
Here's my probIem.
I'm seeing this man.
-You have a man friend.
-I'm suspicious of him.
-He's seeing another woman.
-I think it's bigger than that.
I've discovered he has
a meeting tomorrow.
You too shouId be a ninja.
Find out what he's up to.
His name's Martin TanIey...
...and he has a Iimo
with this Iicense pIate number.
3-5-1 -0-2.
Where shaII I contact you?
It's important that
you don't contact me.