I'm sorry I posed as a ninja,
but this woman needed my heIp.
It's you who needs heIp.
The poIice beIieve
a ninja committed a murder.
BeIieve me, sensei,
I kiIIed no one.
I do beIieve you, Haru.
But I'm worried.
Don't worry about me.
The woman's in troubIe.
Is it IikeIy
that this woman hired you...
...so she couId bIame
someone for this murder?
She's incapabIe of such things.
She is as IoveIy as a dove.
It sounds to me you are being
Ied around by your short sword.
Gobei caIIed her hoteI.
There's no one named SaIIy Jones.
A woman such as you described
had the name AIison Page.
Perhaps she gave a faIse name.
Perhaps she gave you the faIse name.
BeIieve me.
This woman's teIIing the truth.
You are unabIe to teII
truth from untruth.
My ninja intuition teIIs me this.
You don't have ninja intuition,
or even normaI intuition.
My feeIings teII me
SaIIy Jones is in troubIe.
I must protect her in America.
What makes you think you can
find her in America?
I have this.
I must go to the hiIIs of BeverIy,
and save SaIIy Jones.
And prove, once and for aII,
that I am the Great White Ninja.
I wiII miss you.
Gobei, I've aIways Iooked up to you,
and you've aIways Iooked out for me.