
- Go on.
- And...

Sometimes, I use my fingers.
I... So I can hold her while we...
You know.
Then I get inside her...
and we make love...
like normal, I guess.
Anything else?
Sometimes she cries.
Does Maria
ever have an orgasm?

No, I guess not.
- Not with me anyway.
- Not with anyone, Joseph.

Maria is frigid.
- Do you make love to yourself?
- Hmm?

- Do you masturbate?
- No. No. Not...

Rarely when I'm in a relationship.
Well, we'll have to change that.
How can you make love
to someone else...

if you can't make love
to yourself?

So, Joseph, what are you
doing to help Maria?

Well, I do what I can, you know.
I try to make her go to therapy...

Only do what I say.
I don't want you to make love
to her until I say otherwise.

I want you to hold her
and talk to her in bed...

about intimate things...
the most intimate feelings
you're having.

When you sleep, spoon her.
Right side to the bed.
