- Not with me anyway.
- Not with anyone, Joseph.
Maria is frigid.
- Do you make love to yourself?
- Hmm?
- Do you masturbate?
- No. No. Not...
Rarely when I'm in a relationship.
Well, we'll have to change that.
How can you make love
to someone else...
if you can't make love
to yourself?
So, Joseph, what are you
doing to help Maria?
Well, I do what I can, you know.
I try to make her go to therapy...
Only do what I say.
I don't want you to make love
to her until I say otherwise.
I want you to hold her
and talk to her in bed...
about intimate things...
the most intimate feelings
you're having.
When you sleep, spoon her.
Right side to the bed.
We call this
the nurturing position.