Boogie Nights

Make you feel like a stud
to see trash like that?

Is she your girlfriend?
No, she's not...
She's a whore and a piece of trash.
I know you're not
the only one she sees.

Why would you say that?
I heard things about that girl.
I know what goes on
when I'm not here!

I wash your sheets.
Or you doing something else in there
with your music and your posters?

What is your problem?
Go to that little whore. Sheryl
Lynn. Go to your little girlfriend.

Maybe I will!
What will you do?
You can't do anything!
You're a loser!
You'll always be a loser!

You were too stupid to finish
high school! What'll you do?

I'll go somewhere! Maybe I'll run
away where you can never find me!

Fine! Fuck that girl!
What are you doing?
I'm getting my stuff.
That's not your stuff!.
You didn't pay for it!

That is not your stuff!.
You didn't pay for it, stupid!

None of this is yours!
You leave here, you leave
with what you've got!

Nothing! Nothing!
You understand me?
You want to treat me like this?
Is that fair?

I didn't do anything!
Fuck that little whore!
You think you're going to be this...
goddamn poster?! You won't be this!
Don't do that!
Why are you doing that?
You won't be shit!
You're too stupid!

I'm not!
Please, don't fucking do that!
Don't be mean to me!

I am not being mean to you!
You're too stupid to see it!
You don't know what I can do
or what I'm going to be!

I have good things that
you don't know about!

I'm going to be something!
Don't tell me I'm not!

Don't be mean! And you don't talk
to me! No!

Fuck! Shit.
