None of this is yours!
You leave here, you leave
with what you've got!
Nothing! Nothing!
You understand me?
You want to treat me like this?
Is that fair?
I didn't do anything!
Fuck that little whore!
You think you're going to be this...
goddamn poster?! You won't be this!
Don't do that!
Why are you doing that?
You won't be shit!
You're too stupid!
I'm not!
Please, don't fucking do that!
Don't be mean to me!
I am not being mean to you!
You're too stupid to see it!
You don't know what I can do
or what I'm going to be!
I have good things that
you don't know about!
I'm going to be something!
Don't tell me I'm not!
Don't be mean! And you don't talk
to me! No!
Fuck! Shit.
Eddie Adams from Torrance.
I knew you'd make it.
You take the bus here?
It wasn't bad.
How are you?
I got people I want you to meet.
Do you like music?
I love music.
What kind?
All kinds. Rock, jazz, classical.
I want you to meet
some great people.
Buck and Becky.
Hi, I'm Eddie Adams.
Buck Swope. Nice to meet you.
Our new fella.
Becky Barnett.
Nice to meet you.
This is the new fella?
Is that a faccia?
That is a faccia.
Faccia's "face"?
That's right.
Nice to meet you. Take care.
Great people.
He's one hell of an actor.
I want you to meet the
new boy on the street.