-Let me show you around.
-Want to go to a party first?
Uh... I think I forgot to turn off
the oven. You guys go ahead.
Should we call him,
tell him where the party is?
-What is it?
-He never leaves Tøyen Center.
-We haven't known him that long.
-But the rent is incredibly cheap.
It turns out he never leaves.
We think he's a Web designer.
Where are we going?
Dag, this is Kristoffer and Geir.
I'm going on that sailing trip
with Dag. It's his boat.
What an awesome apartment!
I bought it cheap
and fixed it up myself.
You don't exactly get rich working
for an environmental organization.
See you later.
It's a party.
Forget about Elisabeth.
-Lots of people will be there.
-What kind of people?