July eighth, 1979...
...all the fathers of Nobel Prize
winners were rounded up...
...by United Nations military units...
...and actually forced at gunpoint...
... to give semen samples
in little plastic jars...
... which are now stored at Rockefeller
Center underneath the ice skating rink.
I wouldn 't want to be there
for the thaw.
I mean, it's disgusting!
You know what they put in the water?
Fluoride! Yeah, fluoride.
On the pretext
that it strengthens your teeth!
That's ridiculous!
You know what this stuff does to you?
It actually weakens your will...
... takes away the capacity for free
and creative thought...
...and makes you a slave to the state.
Ever wonder about these right-wing
militia groups and survivalist types?
They say they're defending
the country from U.N. troops.
They're yelling so loud,
my theory is that this is a conspiracy:
They are the U.N. troops.
They're in place!
The infrastructure's ready.
It's a fait accompli.
They'll just take over,
we'll all be toast.
That's what I said, Oswald.
He said, "I'm just a patsy,"
which means he didn't do it, right?
Armand Hammer goes to the doctor.
The doctor says, "Armand...
. . .you've only got 3 minutes to live. "
And he says, "That's terrible news.
Isn't there anything you can
do for me, Doc? 3 minutes"?
And the doctor says,
"Well, I can boil you an egg. "
I guess not.
Ever see those advertisements,
"Got Milk"?
Open up!
Open it up!
What's going on?
Son of a bitch!
"Eat beef"?