Conspiracy Theory

Please. Alice, are you there?
come back.
Please, don't leave me here.

Thank you.
There we go.
Have you seen him?
-No. Did you see him?
-No way to shut this place down quick.

You have a half-naked man chained
to a bed rail. Just block the exits.

Good idea.
Will you keep me company, please?

I'm sorry, carl. Dr. Fine.
I want your advice about something.

I had a middle-aged guy,
operate on his gallstones--

-Do I know you?
-Of course. Dr. Fine, proctology.

So Jerry thinks that NASA is plotting
to kill the President?

You already asked me that.
And you have no idea
where Jerry lives?

You've asked me that 3 times.
Why keep making me repeat myself?

All right, here's a fresh one.
Why you?
Your colleague, Mr. Wilson, tells me
Jerry won't talk to anyone but you.

That seems. . .
. . .oddly possessive behavior to me.
I'm sorry, what was the question?
Why do you insist on
having me repeat myself?

Why. . .
