I'm sorry, carl. Dr. Fine.
I want your advice about something.
I had a middle-aged guy,
operate on his gallstones--
-Do I know you?
-Of course. Dr. Fine, proctology.
So Jerry thinks that NASA is plotting
to kill the President?
You already asked me that.
And you have no idea
where Jerry lives?
You've asked me that 3 times.
Why keep making me repeat myself?
All right, here's a fresh one.
Why you?
Your colleague, Mr. Wilson, tells me
Jerry won't talk to anyone but you.
That seems. . .
. . .oddly possessive behavior to me.
I'm sorry, what was the question?
Why do you insist on
having me repeat myself?
Why. . .
. . .you?
I think he has a crush on me.
How charming.
He has great taste.
Now, why him?
Why do you tolerate
his visits to your office?
About 6 months ago, I was leaving work
and 2 guys tried to mug me.
Jerry came out of nowhere
and rescued me. That's how I met him.
He probably is crazy, but
there's something about Jerry that. . . .
I don't know.
I don't have the heart
to tell him to get lost.
I didn't know the cIA had psychiatrists.
We're very specialized.
May l?
What is it they say about truth?