
''I know a moment
that rains and dawns

''and moons and loves devour.
''I know a calm,
a chaos, a close,

''a capture
that my heart dies for.

''I know you,
''there, then, in my arms,
''in the shadow
of my yearning for you,

''there, then...
in my arms forever. ''
I miss you here.
Oh, baby.
I so wanted to
wake up with you this morning.

I wanted to see your sweet smiIe.
I just felt kinda weird.
I understand.
And not 'cause of you, or...
It's okay. I understand.
I just wanted to teII you
that I miss you.

I miss you, too.
Will you call me later?
- Bye.
- Bye.

So come on, what happened
with you and Sarah after you Ieft?

MichaeI's sort of friends
with Sarah Easton now.

Oh? Where did you meet her?
Not in your cab.

I know, right?
So what happened?

I just waIked her home.

Did you have sex Iast night?
You did, didn't you ?
I don't know that
I'm at Iiberty to discuss

what happened Iast night, SaIIy.
Come on. Robin's given
her mom the bIow-by-bIow

on every one of your girIfriends
since we've known you .

This has nothing to do with Joan.
Even if Joan was not here,
I just don't know that I wouId
be abIe to reaIIy discuss it.

Oh, he Iikes her.
This is more than kiss-and-teII,
isn't it, MichaeI?

I can't beIieve
because you reaIIy Iike her,

you won't teII us about your sex.
That's so unfair.
I'm not saying
we had sex Iast night.
