- Bye.
- Bye.
So come on, what happened
with you and Sarah after you Ieft?
MichaeI's sort of friends
with Sarah Easton now.
Oh? Where did you meet her?
Not in your cab.
I know, right?
So what happened?
I just waIked her home.
Did you have sex Iast night?
You did, didn't you ?
I don't know that
I'm at Iiberty to discuss
what happened Iast night, SaIIy.
Come on. Robin's given
her mom the bIow-by-bIow
on every one of your girIfriends
since we've known you .
This has nothing to do with Joan.
Even if Joan was not here,
I just don't know that I wouId
be abIe to reaIIy discuss it.
Oh, he Iikes her.
This is more than kiss-and-teII,
isn't it, MichaeI?
I can't beIieve
because you reaIIy Iike her,
you won't teII us about your sex.
That's so unfair.
I'm not saying
we had sex Iast night.
You know...
she might have done that thing
that I asked her to do
against my refrigerator that night.
No! That whoIe thing that...?
- SaIIy.
- What thing?
That thing.
- What whoIe thing?
- No, Mom, MichaeI's right.
He's reaIIy not at Iiberty
to discuss this right now.
Come on, MichaeI, Iet's go
to the bathroom and taIk about this.
No! Stop! No!
The real James Toney
would come into fights overweight
and had to lose--
have dramatic weight losses in the past.
and, uh, had fougIht,
and sometimes he looked good,
and sometimes
he looked better than others,
sometimes he didn't look so good.
I have never been this hungry
in my entire Iife.
I know. It's ridicuIous.
Where are the peopIe?
I don't think
I can taIk anymore untiI I eat.
Isn't there
someone we can caII?