Fierce Creatures

The door!
Other door!
Other door!

It's our special, sir.
The Churchill Suite.

I don't care what it's bloody called.
I just wanna know how much money it is.

We've had many famous visitors
over theyears.

It's called the Churchill Suite

SirWinston stayed here
on two separate occasions.

We do hopeyou will enjoyyour stay.
Ifthere's anything at all--

- It's Melbourne.
- All right. Gentlemen, ladies...

ifyou'll excuse me,
I have a rather important call.

A little bubbly? Have some champagne.
Come on. It's a big day.

I'm so glad to seeyou.
Yes, yes.
A grand day this is.

All right, how much?
Right. Right.
What'd be the cost ofa plant
in Papua, New Guinea?

I'm gonna close Melbourne down.
- What?
- It's not being recorded.

I know!
That's why I'm trying to listen!

They shouldn't be so greedy.
Fax Atlanta about this.

Beijing called.
We've got the television rights
to their public executions.

- Five guys a week, guaranteed!
- Beauty!

This is what satellite television was
invented for. Totally cross-cultural.

So Vic-- Vince--
what do want to talk about?

- The zoo's going reallywell, Dad.
- Haveyou got the figures?

It's taken some time to whip
the Brits into shape.

Got some amazing plans.
You're going to be proud ofme.

Just give me the figures.
You're not gonna believe
what I put together, Dad.

Probably not.
I reallywant to thankyou, Dad,
for accommodating me, schedule-wise.

It means a lot to me, both as
an employee and flesh- and blood-wise.

Cut the crap.
It was on myway.
