lf you have to take a substance
test, report to the testing centre.
Jerome. Never shy.
Pisses on command.
- A beautiful piece of equipment.
- You tell me every time l"m here.
l see a great many in my job.
Yours happens to be exceptional.
Why didn"t my folks
order one like that for me?
- Have l ever told you about my son?
- No.
Remind me to, sometime.
So you"re about to go up.
One week left.
Please tell me
you"re the least bit excited.
l"ll tell you
at the end of the week.
Congratulations, Jerome.
Thank you.
How many launches are there
in a day? A dozen?
- Sometimes more.
- Only you watch every one of them.
lf you"re going to pretend
like you don"t care, don"t look up.