- Have l ever told you about my son?
- No.
Remind me to, sometime.
So you"re about to go up.
One week left.
Please tell me
you"re the least bit excited.
l"ll tell you
at the end of the week.
Congratulations, Jerome.
Thank you.
How many launches are there
in a day? A dozen?
- Sometimes more.
- Only you watch every one of them.
lf you"re going to pretend
like you don"t care, don"t look up.
The most unremarkable of events.
Jerome Morrow, Navigator 1st Class,
is about to embark -
- on a one-year manned mission
to Titan, the 14th moon of Saturn.
This highly prestigious assignment
was guaranteed Jerome at birth.
He has all the gifts required.
A genetic quotient second to none.
There's nothing remarkable about
the progress of Jerome Morrow.
Except that l am not Jerome Morrow.
l was conceived in the Riviera.
Not the French Riviera.
The Detroit variety.
They used to say that a love child
has a greater chance of happiness.