
You can go.
lt"s all right, lrene.
You"re excused.

We found our man. lt"s the only
specimen we can"t account for.

- Every 1 0 years things go our way.
- Tell me about the eyelash.

An unregistered ln-Valid. A janitor.
He disappeared a few years back.

- The specimen could be from then.
- Nothing lies around here for long.

Would a janitor come back after so
long to kill a man he never knew?

His profile suggests he"s violent.
lt also suggests he"s a sick man.
There"s a 90°% chance he"s dead.

That leaves a 1 0°% chance
he"s still alive.

The owner of the eyelash is the
murderer. l"ll do a cross-check . . .

- He has no living relatives.
- That"s a damn shame, sir.

Check the entry log.
Alibis, grudges.

l see a lot of dry eyes. The mission
director was not universally loved.

He was leading cutbacks
in the programme.

With all due respect, sir . . .
Whatever you say.
