Would a janitor come back after so
long to kill a man he never knew?
His profile suggests he"s violent.
lt also suggests he"s a sick man.
There"s a 90°% chance he"s dead.
That leaves a 1 0°% chance
he"s still alive.
The owner of the eyelash is the
murderer. l"ll do a cross-check . . .
- He has no living relatives.
- That"s a damn shame, sir.
Check the entry log.
Alibis, grudges.
l see a lot of dry eyes. The mission
director was not universally loved.
He was leading cutbacks
in the programme.
With all due respect, sir . . .
Whatever you say.
Jerome the metronome.
l could play the piano
by that heartbeat of his.
- We have a suspect.
- That is a relief. Who is he?
We found an unaccounted-for
specimen. Here"s his picture.
- An ln-Valid.
- We"re still following other leads.
- l"m posting this immediately.
- l"m curious, Director.
An advantage, l should imagine,
in your line of work.
- Your hiring practices . . .
- Our ""recruitment philosophy"".
- Who do you have to be, to be here?
- We don"t take common citizens.
Are they all equally excellent?
Occasionally we"ve had to accept
candidates with minor shortcomings.