Jerome the metronome.
l could play the piano
by that heartbeat of his.
- We have a suspect.
- That is a relief. Who is he?
We found an unaccounted-for
specimen. Here"s his picture.
- An ln-Valid.
- We"re still following other leads.
- l"m posting this immediately.
- l"m curious, Director.
An advantage, l should imagine,
in your line of work.
- Your hiring practices . . .
- Our ""recruitment philosophy"".
- Who do you have to be, to be here?
- We don"t take common citizens.
Are they all equally excellent?
Occasionally we"ve had to accept
candidates with minor shortcomings.
But nothing that would stop them
joining the police, for example.
Now, there are enough of the right
kind to warrant a new standard.
Bodies with minds to match.
Essential, as we push out further.
- Yet you still monitor performance.
- To see they meet their potential.
- And exceeding it?
- No one exceeds his potential.
lf he did, we just didn"t accurately
gauge his potential right off.
- All right?
- Terrific.